Monday, June 22, 2020

Not for Boys

My daughter has a little heart-shaped lock that goes to her journal...she’s playing with it in the backseat as I’m pulling out to go get a generator at Home Depot for my new place, since I left mine with him, along with pretty much everything else, when I left that ugly life in December (it’s gonna be a hot week... let the power shut-offs begin...)... 

...long story short, she says, “This is MY heart... NOT for boys!” 


“I agree!” I said. 

I can’t change the fact that I didn’t have parents who gave a damn... so I didn’t know any better... but I’m so glad I do now. 

I’m so glad to be Saved and sober and no longer feeling like I have to use sex to “get a man.” But it’s been SUCH a long journey getting here.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Amazing Grace

God knows what I want - someday... a person I’ll spend my life with, whom I can be intimate with without reservation.  I’ve never been a cheater - I’m a serial monogamist, rather. At least, until now; now, I’m single, I’m celibate, and I’m starting to finally have some respect for myself now that I have an actual “ideal” man to watch out for, with deal-breakers, standards, expectations, preferences, and questions to ask. My sister said - after I shared my list with her - that that man doesn’t exist. That I’m asking too much. “Okay, then I’ll die single,” I said.

But I, on the other hand, truly have faith that God has someone out there for me. I truly believe it’s most likely, quite possibly, no one I actually know now. I could be wrong, but that’s the perspective I’m choosing to have. 

This has provided me with an immense letting go. I finally have the ability, as step 12 puts it, to “practice these principles in all our affairs.” Rather than being resentful, selfish, dishonest and afraid, I feel patience, kindness, tolerance, and love. Not the kind of “love” that isn’t love - the kind of “love” that wants and grabs and is actually fearful, resentful, dishonest, and selfish, no - the kind of love of 1 Corinthians 13 - not towards anyone in particular, although I practice it with everyone in my life - but mostly towards myself, from God... which is ultimately what opens the channel for me to love others, the way St Francis attributedly described. 

It is by dying to the self that one awakens. I finally understand what it means. I finally feel so connected to God that I don’t need anything from anyone. I see all of us as God’s children.

I’m still working on showing the most perfect, selfless Godly love to my daughter, and I will be working on that with my son when he comes home on August 1. I’m putting my children first in a way that I never have, ever. 

I guess I shouldn’t say that I don’t need anything from anyone. I do need to be able to help people. Or at least I need to try. Whether they are helped by my attempts isn’t the point, and it doesn’t affect me negatively if not, because I’ll have done what I have to do to be right with God. I’ll take the action = die to self. 

It’s liberating to no longer want or need anything from you. I’ve been rocketed into the fourth dimension of existence, as the big book says. I’m not afraid of you, and nothing you say or do can really affect me. It can for a brief moment - it always can for a moment. I’m still a reactionary, emotional human. But I’m conscious. Steps 10 & 11 conscious. So nothing can bother me for long.

It’s just amazing.

Friday, June 19, 2020

A New Qualifier? *Wince*

So...I’ve been praying to God every day, multiple times a day to remove my obsession with #40 (see my sex / relationship inventory...I’ve set it as a featured post here on the right of the page, desktop version only). As you know from my posts, ever since I met him on February 02, 4 1/2 months ago, the obsession with him has been insidious. I’m so grateful that I’ve been not only asking God to remove the obsession over and over, but I’ve worked the 12 steps and have thrown myself the harder into helping others through AA. To review, here were the instructions for the sex inventory - the answers to which I didn’t post here, but I did write them on paper with a pen for four hours at Denny’s one night in March, and my patterns were very clear:

“We reviewed our own conduct over the years past. Where had we been selfish, dishonest, or inconsiderate? Whom had we hurt? Did we unjustifiably arouse jealousy, suspicion or bitterness? Where were we at fault, what should we have done instead? We got this all down on paper and looked at it.

“In this way we tried to shape a sane and sound ideal for our future sex life. We subjected each relation to this test - was it selfish or not? We asked God to mold our ideals and help us to live up to them. We remembered always that our sex powers were God-given and therefore good, neither to be used lightly or selfishly nor to be despised and loathed.

“Whatever our ideal turns out to be, we must be willing to grow toward it. We must be willing to make amends where we have done harm, provided that we do not bring about still more harm in so doing. In other words, we treat sex as we would any other problem. In meditation, we ask God what we should do about each specific matter. The right answer will come, if we want it.

“God alone can judge our sex situation. Counsel with persons is often desirable, but we let God be the final judge. We realize that some people are as fanatical about sex as others are loose. We avoid hysterical thinking or advice.

“Suppose we fall short of the chosen ideal and stumble? Does this mean we are going to get drunk? Some people tell us so. But this is only a half-truth. It depends on us and on our motives. If we are sorry for what we have done, and have the honest desire to let God take us to better things, we believe we will be forgiven and will have learned our lesson. If we are not sorry, and our conduct continues to harm others, we are quite sure to drink. We are not theorizing. These are facts out of our experience.

“To sum up about sex: We earnestly pray for the right ideal, for guidance in each questionable situation, for sanity, and for the strength to do the right thing. If sex is very troublesome, we throw ourselves the harder into helping others. We think of their needs and work for them. This takes us out of ourselves. It quiets the imperious urge, when to yield would mean heartache.

“If we have been thorough about our personal inventory, we have written down a lot. We have listed and analyzed our resentments. We have begun to comprehend their futility and their fatality. We have commenced to see their terrible destructiveness. We have begun to learn tolerance, patience and good will toward all men, even our enemies, for we look on them as sick people. We have listed the people we have hurt by our conduct, and are willing to straighten out the past if we can.

“In this book you read again and again that faith did for us what we could not do for ourselves. We hope you are convinced now that God can remove whatever self-will has blocked you off from Him. If you have already made a decision, and an inventory of your grosser handicaps, you have made a good beginning. That being so you have swallowed and digested some big chunks of truth about yourself.” Alcoholics Anonymous, pages 69-71

I stayed after last night’s AA meeting to help a female friend who needed some advice on step 10. I noticed when we were leaving, after at least thirty minutes, that one of the male members - who I’ve known since coming to the fellowship for some years now but hadn’t paid much mind to until about 6 months ago when he started talking to me - had been waiting by his motorcycle, and only started to leave when we were leaving. I had shared with the friend earlier my “chosen ideal” man (see this post for reference), since she was having a hard time in her relationship, dealing with her husband's anger - and she pointed at Brandon, saying, "See, that's a good man right there - he's got the things on your list."

So, what's a love addict to do, but to develop a new obsession. Great. #42, here we go.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The First 48

After lots of crying, dancing (thank you James Brown), self-love, praying, and reflection, last night I messaged him to let him know that I’ll be going dark for two days, and that instead of coming early to cook him dinner before my 6/19 engagement shoot at the winery where he lives (that his brother manages) - something I had insisted on doing for him during our conversation earlier in the night - that I’m just going to do my 15-minute mini shoot in the vineyard and go. I messaged him more honestly about my unhealthy obsession with him than I have in recent memory - that I’ve tried to convince myself that I’ve contacted him over the past few days out of God’s love and care for his recovery from surgery, with the bringing him of flowers, and medication, and sushi on three separate days, and checking in on him every day with calls and messages - and I even believed it myself - but that, in reality, I’m still just so completely addicted to him. It must be hurtful to hear, and the best thing I can really do at this point, selflessly, is to let him go.

Thank God he’s a follower of Jesus - not that it should matter for me to set my own boundaries and end contact, but it does make it easier, knowing that he has a relationship with God and doesn’t need me in his life. The selfish part of that doesn’t feel good, but the righteous part does. The selfish part of it feels like death and heartbreak and longing and withdrawal. But the righteous part feels like love and freedom and faith and trust.

So, by Friday night I’ll hopefully have (over) 48 hours - TWO DAYS - of no contact, for a true and final, actual start to my sex-love sobriety. I added “no initiating contact” back to my bottom lines, because, seriously, I need to stop trying to control and enjoy this addiction. If I hold onto him as a friend, I’ve found, it leaves the door wide open to romantic intrigue, and I fantasize about a future sexual encounter...even plan it. I’ve bought way too much lingerie and BDSM gear, basically planning my relapse into sexual demoralization with him, with the hopes that that might make him love me again, and want to marry me. Ugh. Same thing over and over expecting different results. Insane.

After conversing with him earlier last night and facing the reality once again that he isn’t my ideal man anyway - we are seriously NOT compatible - I did cry, for a long time, to God. It wasn’t useless self-pity crying - it was very much a catharsis I needed. I was making a sandwich at the time, crying out, “Why the FUCK did I give up my self-love Pad Thai-cooking dinner time to listen to this FUCKER for over an hour on the phone complain about his situation?!” He’s a negative guy, and it’s draining. Yes he just endured hernia surgery, but he’s always been a depressive. I’m always trying to be a channel for God’s love to him, thy will not mine be done, but what about me? When do I start loving myself? I was so pissed at myself for a moment... but then I put on some music and started dancing in my kitchen, seeing myself in a window and being able to appreciate my own sexiness, loving the fact that no one else gets to enjoy MY body until a someday lifelong commitment. I’m in my house, I own my business, and I can do this.

I pulled out my 4th step relationship inventory where I wrote out my patterns, and asked myself for each one, “What should I have done instead?” The answer is, consistently, nothing. Don’t pursue. Don’t contact. Don’t date. Don’t get into the relationship. Don’t set the ball rolling in the first place.

Today is a day of work and service. Work for my clients and secretary the 5:30 pm AA meeting for the Progress House rehab girls. Maybe put together my bed, my daughter’s bed, and my kitchen table, myself. Love myself and others the way God loves us. 

And you know the Passenger song...

“Only know you love [him] when you let [him] go.”

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Why can’t I remember this feeling? The way it feels after giving an entire hour of my life to someone over the phone, neglecting myself, not making myself a scrumptious dinner - it’s too late now - because I sat there and listened to this guy for an hour, this guy who doesn’t have any interest in me? Why?!?

Sure, he’s interested in me when he isn’t recovering from surgery and can fuck. And that’s about it.


Fourth 24 Hours

God answered my prayers SO hard today. I had my moments of weakness, my moments of obsession over him, and I did reach out to see how he was doing (it’s been 4 days after his surgery now) - he’s in a lot of pain, and I offered to pick up his medication for him, but it wasn’t God’s plan for me to do that – thank God. He’s having it mailed and didn’t need me to.

So, instead, I focused on getting things done for my clients; I had two great client consultations; I attended an AA meeting on Zoom; and my Changing Abusive Patterns class was so amazing. I met a girl who is really struggling to leave an abusive relationship, and I got to offer my experience, strength and hope with her - it’s been six months since I left mine, and I can hardly believe I went from being homeless with 2 kids and nowhere to go, to now renting my own 2-bedroom house...not “needing” a man, despite the obsession with wanting one - I’m very slowly - but surely - coming into my own without one.

My qualifier has definitely moved on; I’m the one holding on. There have been three separate days now where I didn’t contact him - and felt like I was going to die all day - yet I did refrain, and he didn’t contact me. So I would make it 24 hours without contacting him - but, then, I always succumb the following day, and most days after that.

I wonder...could I make it two days? Am I willing to try?

I’m going to say yes. I have to try. He has let me go - he’s told me so - so why can’t I do the same? It’s demoralizing to be the one so desperate for love and attention, when I don’t even enter his thoughts - until he gets a message or call from me. Why am I doing this to myself? 

This is serious! This is not a man who would ever love me the way I would deserve to be loved someday, after my recovery. And I’m not recovering! I really need to love myself enough - with God’s love - to just let go!!

That’s easy for me to say right now after such a full day. I know tomorrow I’ll go crazy again without contact with him. But what if I can go TWO days? It’s the same as alcohol...each new day does get easier. But it has to start with one. 

It’s 9:37 pm. Let’s see how this goes.

One Day at a Time

I stayed after last night’s AA meeting and hung out with three friends for at least an hour - it was something I sorely needed. This was our first in-person meeting since the start of COVID-19. Usually I leave right after the meeting and don’t stay for what’s called “fellowship.” I’m not a cigarette-smoker, and everyone who stays after the meeting is typically commiserating over a cigarette or two. So I usually don’t feel like I belong. This time, though, one of the members stopped me and said I should stay to hang out, so I did. This particular member does trigger my addiction to fantasy a bit, though - otherwise I probably wouldn’t have stayed. He’s older, with steel blue eyes, and always has something incredibly spiritual and wise to share.

We all ended up sharing about what we’re going through individually, and I found myself opening up about going to SLAA. They listened compassionately as I spoke of my love addiction and most recent obsession. Talking about it to them took a lot of its power away, and I left feeling a sense of freedom. Admitting that I was obsessed with this guy marrying me after we’d only been seeing each other three months, and that I ended it because we couldn’t keep my boundary of celibacy before marriage (and that I was still trying to get over the obsession of him) was freeing for me. Hanging out with them, I felt content, reaffirming that I don’t need to be in a relationship or be married to be happy. 

When I got home of course, I did have some fantasy about that blue-eyed AA member coming over to put my new bed together as I cook him Pad Thai - but at least I know better (today) than to act on that sort of thing. Progress.

Today I have my 2-hour Changing Abusive Patterns class, and I’m looking forward to it, as always. I get to be vulnerable in a group of women who have been damaged by childhood and are now addressing and redressing those childhood wounds in order to stop the pattern of abuse in our current lives. Before that, I have a huge to-do list for work that will keep me very busy, performing God’s work of providing for my clients. I’ll also find either an AA or an SLAA meeting on Zoom. Daily meetings are necessary for my sanity. And, I’ll call my sponsor, as I do every day, although it’s been about 3-4 days since she’s answered, but I’ll leave another check-in message if she’s still busy. It was also suggested that I call five people every day in the program, and I did get a new number from a girl last night - so I’ll call her too and see who else I can call. I’ll seek to comfort rather than to be comforted, to love than to be loved.

God’s will, not mine, be done.

Monday, June 15, 2020


I’m sitting in my car in my driveway after my photo shoot, immobilized.

I guess this is why I shouldn’t contact qualifiers - now that I did, I just want to take it even further. Nothing is ever enough. I want to go lay in his bed with him and watch TV and sleep there, like our last night together over a month ago, when we didn’t have sex or hardly even touch - but we did kiss as more than friends before I left the next morning. I hugged him up against my driver’s side door, and he pulled himself into me using the handrails on top of the car, kissing me - we dove into each others’ mouths - and I felt every part of his body pressed against mine. All while having throughly discussed that we would “just be friends” before that. But the powerlessness kicked in on both of our parts. Leave it to me, a love addict, to attract a love-avoidant sex addict. I really must be a masochist.

Speaking of masochism (hey, BDSM!) - I’m great at sex. Incredibly great at it. It’s the way I’ve always gotten men to be with me. Because it’s so easy. Complete and utter, undeniable seduction. But it doesn’t make them “love” me or want to commit to me, of course. 

That’s why I’m insisting that the love and commitment come before sex. At least, that’s what I tell myself that I’m insisting. Get me alone with a sex addict, though, and our force fields draw us into each other - all willpower is gone. 

We’re all just selfish. God is the only one who can restore us. That means, yep, being willing to not go be alone with a sex addict while trying to delude myself into thinking “we’re just friends” and that “nothing is gonna happen.” I know damn well that the moment I feel his touch, I’ll be powerless, we’ll be physically intimate, and it’s going to trigger my fantasy obsession with marrying him for WEEKS. 

It almost seems like a cruel joke that God lets me be a wedding & engagement photographer for my career. But I know God isn’t cruel. He loves me and is teaching me more each day. I just have to be willing to not act on self-will. Thy will, not mine, be done!

I’m counting down the 23 minutes until the next AA meeting. I’m not allowing myself to succumb to this obsession of wanting to go over to the qualifier’s house. I need to put myself first! Why can’t I love myself enough to do that? Well, that’s something I’m just starting to learn about. 


I called him.

I just couldn’t stand not knowing how he’s doing after his surgery. He’s doing well, and I’m grateful for that. But I couldn’t just let go and let God. 

Part of me thinks I might just be holding myself to too high of a standard with regards to my bottom lines. I want to be able to be friends with a man without getting involved intimately. I want to be able to set boundaries and stick to them.

Of course, if that man is a qualifier - if he triggers my sex-love addiction - I’m obviously treading dangerously. My AA sponsor likens it to hanging out at the bar as an alcoholic and expecting to be able to not drink. Or it’s like going to the barbershop and expecting to not get a haircut. The fact is, why are you even there? Why this insistence on playing with fire, thinking you won’t get burned?

I’m grateful for my celibacy, and I don’t want to lose it. I haven’t been counting days, but it’s been at least a month. That’s the lowest of bottom lines for me, though. I’m working on changing the behavior that leads to sex before marriage - the behavior that will keep me from ever getting married or knowing true partnership with another human being at all.

Well, here are my new top and bottom lines, as I try to allow this friendship idea back in. 

SLAA Bottom Lines

Sobriety date 6/15/20

  1. I will not obsess about a qualifier.
  2. I will not obsessively contact a qualifier.
  3. No flirting / dating / physical contact.
  4. Pray for God’s will, not mine, to be done.

SLAA Top Lines

  1. I will put myself first (business, recovery, therapy, hobbies & interests, self-care, etc).
  2. I will put my real relationships first (kids, sister, nephews, AA, SLAA, church, girl friends, mom, etc).
  3. I will let go and let God. I will not act on self-will.
  4. I will be 100% honest / impeccable with my word and make my intentions very clear.
  5. I won’t spend money or eat just to try to make myself feel better.
  6. I will not post on social media just to try to get a qualifier’s attention. 
  7. I will not check a qualifier’s social media profiles and I won’t check messaging apps to see if he’s active.
  8. I will not check my phone just to see if a qualifier has contacted me.
I keep hoping that maybe if I’m open to friendships, one of those might lead to dating, and then a possible marriage partnership. I know myself well enough that dating - right now - is not going to work. As soon as I’m dating someone, it triggers the fantasy obsession of relationship and marriage, and I try to exert my will as much as possible to “make” it go there...going totally insane when it doesn’t. Of course, even friendship triggers the fantasy obsession of “some day” - so I’m using that as the first bottom line itself. “I will not obsess.” It probably means I’ll still be resetting my sobriety date every few hours - but maybe one of these days, that won’t be the case. 

Inching Towards Willingness

A couple days ago, I dropped him off some sushi (without seeing him) after his surgery. I had also dropped off some Hydroxyzine the night before to help him sleep (also without seeing him). I knew I was breaking my bottom lines of not initiating contact, but I felt so compelled to do something for him. He has done so much for me.

“Thank you for thinking of me,” he said later, in an Instagram message.

Little does he know, he’s ALL I can think about. That I feel empty and incomplete when we aren’t in contact. 

Today I changed ‘not posting on social media to get a qualifier’s attention’ and ‘not checking a qualifier’s social media to see if they are active’ from being “bottom lines” to being “top lines,” to allow myself to act out on that behavior without having to reset my sex-love addiction sobriety date. But I ended up resetting my sobriety date anyway, because I tagged him in the post (about praying for his recovery - I had to let him know that I was thinking about him), which counts as initiating contact with a qualifier (which I’m keeping as a bottom line, otherwise, I will never be open to God’s will - not mine - when it comes to sex-love relationships; I will always be trying to run on self-will, trying to play the director - which doesn’t work).

So, I temporarily disabled my Instagram account. I do believe that only a Power greater than myself can restore me to sanity (step 2). That can start with not having access to Instagram, period - I can turn that over to God (step 3).

I still have a business Instagram account, though, which he follows, and I can still search him up using my business account to see if he’s active. And I can still use Facebook Messenger to see if he’s active. So I don’t know. I haven’t been willing to block him on social media and keep him blocked. When I do that, it’s so painful that I can’t stand it. It signifies a real and final letting go. But I’m too selfish to let go completely and am still holding onto self-will - even thought one of my top lines is, “I will let go and let God. I will not act on self-will.” 

It’s so hard to let go, though. “If I do this, then this will (or won’t) happen,” I tell myself. “If I block him, then we’ll never be able to reconcile to have a relationship again,” I think if having a relationship with him would be God’s will, anyway. And here, this fear, is a lack of faith and trust in God. I need more work on step 2, for sure. How much am I willing to come to believe that God can restore me to sanity? It only works if I stop doing things my way. God, please give me the willingness!

Falling in love as a self-aware love addict feels like, the worst thing ever, I tell you. The feelings won’t kill me, but they are so incredibly palpable ... painful. It’s also painful just to know that this is a manifestation of the addiction, that I’m incapable of loving “normally” - like an alcoholic is incapable of drinking “normally.” 

I think that may come with step 11 - which I’m able to do for my alcoholism and weed / THC addiction (8.5 years no alcohol, 14 months no weed / THC) - but I have a LONG way to go for sex-love recovery. But I can make a beginning. God - please enter me to expel this obsession, help me be willing to seek Your will above all, reveal Your will to me, and grant me the strength to carry it out. Amen.

Step 1

Step 1: Admitted we were powerless over sex and love addiction, and that our lives had become unmanageable.

The obsession that persists all throughout the day makes me completely unmanageable. I constantly react to my 3 year-old daughter with a short temper any time she wants or needs anything from me. Pretty much all I can think about, all day long, is the "qualifier" - the one who has most recently triggered my sex and love addiction.

This obsession is insidious. An SLAA meeting, an AA meeting, and a nap were my only reprieves. Other than those moments, there is a constant restlessness, irritability and discontentment from the withdrawal of not contacting or being contacted by him.

I feel the anger welled up inside every limb of my body. It's in my arms, hands and fingers. It's in my chest and throat and jaw. Gratefully I restrain myself physically with my daughter. But my anger comes out my mouth in reaction to whatever she says or does. I've apologized to my daughter at least twenty times today for snapping. I've made her cry over and over. This is no way to live, and I can't stand it. I'm going completely insane. 

All I can think about is the fact that he just went through surgery, and I'm not even allowed to show him I care about him or contact him. I've broken my bottom lines before today over the last few days because I had to. I've reset my sex-love sobriety date every single day. But I'll never put 24 hours of withdrawal together this way. I'll never recover, and this pattern or powerlessness and unmanageability will repeat itself until the end of time.

I want to break things. Throw things. Scream and yell and cry. I know what it is. It's this crippling selfishness and need. This bottomless void. 

I do believe that the only thing that can restore me to sanity is a Power greater than myself. This means I have to surrender everything. No matter how badly I want to contact him, I can't. This has to end, now. I can't deal with this for the rest of my life. I want to be free from this obsession. God, please remove my obsession. Please.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Deal-Breakers, Standards, Expectations, and Preferences


Must NOT drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or do drugs, and is NOT an active addict of any kind (social media, sex, “love”, food, spending, work, exercise, etc).

MUST be a Christian, with a testimony about how Jesus turned their life around; has an intimate relationship with God; asks for God’s will to be done throughout the day - not theirs; reads Scripture; is / can be a leader in Christ; is filled with the Holy Spirit; LOVES GOD SO MUCH.

MUST be single / available / not in a committed relationship / not in love with someone / not sleeping around / hoping to eventually marry a Christian woman and settle down with a lifelong, committed, Christ-centered, intimate partnership.

MUST love children, is nurturing and willing / wants to share in the responsibility of raising children that aren’t biologically theirs, cares deeply about young people, is a gentle protector.

Must NOT be abusive / extremely reactive / angry. Must not be self-absorbed, self-centered and over-run by pride. Must be happy to recognize and admit quickly when they’re wrong. Is in touch with their emotions, checks themselves, doesn’t react immediately based on their emotions, checks in with God and sponsor / spiritual advisor before reacting emotionally and blaming me / being angry with me.


Is content and happy with the life they have now. Their life is filled with things they enjoy that fulfill them. They are happy / healthy / whole. They live a balanced life and happily fulfill their commitments / obligations. They love to help others.

They are kind, gentle, loving, tolerant, patient, forgiving, not rude, not judgmental, doesn’t hold resentments; doesn’t speak badly about people, is not easily angered, is open-minded, doesn’t complain a lot or is overly negative, is accountable, respectful, humble, honest, true to their word, impeccable with their word, direct, states their intentions clearly, knows and loves themselves as a child of God, and sees and loves me the way God sees and loves me.

They have a happy disposition, smile a lot, have a great sense of humor, love to laugh and have fun.

They 100% respect and believe in celibacy before marriage, honor my body, date with Godly intentions rather than lust.

They have done and continue to do a lot of work improving themselves spiritually, mentally and emotionally to be the best man or woman of God they can be on a daily basis. Have gone to and continue to go to therapy. If a recovered alcoholic / addict, have 1+ year clean / sober and have gone through all 12 steps, have a sponsor / sponsee(s)].

They attend church regularly (if possible, at least virtually).

They think I’m beautiful, despite my flaws, inside and out. They love my dorkiness / quirkiness / sense of humor.

They will NOT cheat in a committed relationship, emotionally, mentally or physically. They are rigorously honest about their thoughts and feelings without blaming.


They go to bed around 10 pm and wake up around 6 am.

They have a steady income with a career that they enjoy, a reliable car (& valid driver’s license), live on their own (not with parents), support themselves.

They take care of their body, eat healthily (but they love food and have eclectic food tastes), exercise (or at least wants to).

They give me attention, affection, appreciation; accept me for me and allows me to be who I am; love me for me; take initiative in contacting me (call / video chat not just text). They think about me; WANT to be with me; want to get to know me; treat me like a queen; make time for me. They take charge in planning fun things for us to do together.

They are accountable to someone daily (sponsor, spiritual advisor), spot-check their resentments, fears, selfishness and dishonesty/delusion so those defects aren’t running the show.


Is older than I am. Taller than I am. Sexy, fit body. I’m attracted to them physically; I get physically excited around them; we have chemistry.

Loves camping, fishing, the outdoors, photography, music (and plays an instrument or sings, likes to dance), going on adventures, going out to eat or cooking, trying new things, reading, watching good TV / movies, and loves cats!

Is sexually kinky and will take charge in the bedroom (for a spicy sex life if it leads to marriage one day!).

Fixes things, uses tools, knows / can fix car stuff, can build things.

Is a careful planner but also fun and fearless (but not dangerous!).

Shares my political views. Isn’t of “rich white privilege,” fights for the underdog, is passionate about minorities’ / womens’ rights (i.e. liberal).

Is intellectual, educated; reads books; enjoys intelligent conversations.


Is older than I am. Taller than I am. Sexy, fit body.

Loves camping, fishing, the outdoors, photography, music (and plays an instrument or sings, likes to dance), going on adventures, going out to eat or cooking, trying new things, reading, watching good TV / movies, and loves cats!

Is sexually kinky and will take charge in the bedroom (for a spicy sex life if it leads to marriage one day!). They make me feel excited / I’m physically attracted to them.

Fixes things, uses tools, knows / can fix car stuff, can build things.

Is a careful planner but also impulsive and fearless (but not dangerous!).

Shares my political views. Isn’t of “rich white privilege,” fights for the underdog, is passionate about minorities’ / womens’ rights (i.e. liberal).

Is intellectual, educated; reads books; enjoys intelligent conversations.


Who are their friends? Who is important to them? What are their most important relationships? Who do they spend their time with?

What do they do when alone? How do they enjoy their solitude?

Who inspires them (who do they watch / listen to)? Who do they take advice from?

Where do they see themselves in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years? Retirement? (I.e. What are their life plans?) What are their hopes and dreams for themselves? What are they striving towards?

What types of music do they listen to? How often do they listen to music? If they play an instrument or sing, how often do they play or sing? Can they / do they / would they dance? Do they go to concerts / enjoy live music / jam?

Do they partake in social gatherings (family, friends)? If so, how important is it to them that their girlfriend / wife would be there with them? How do they see ME fitting into their social life? 

Do they like to cook? Keep things clean? Are they proud of their home?

What is their financial situation? Are they up-to-date on bills, taxes, etc? How's their credit?

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

"And now... I need to know... is this real love... or is it just madness keeping us afloat?" ~Muse, "Madness"


It's becoming ever more clear to me that lust is Evil As Fuck.

I've decided to just call him "him" this time. All these relationships (see inventory) follow the same pattern. I'm tired of even making up names.

It all started when I was eight years old, when my mom took us three kids away and left my dad for her abuser. I was abandoned by my father, not by either of our choice. I watched my mother be abused by a drunk drug addict, as she retreated quietly into her own drugged up alcoholism behind a closed door - and I was abused by him, too, as was my brother. I tried to bond with my brother, to unite against the common enemy, but he avoided me when I desperately wanted his love; I was the annoying little sister. So, I teamed up with our younger sister instead, and we were nearly inseparable. But I made running away from home as frequent a habit as possible, without incurring too many beatings. I also withdrew into a fantasy world, of journals, and books, fabricating imaginary personas for people I had only met once, or only just read about - or even made up entirely - turning them into imaginary friends, and, not long after, imaginary lovers, upon whom I would fixate my entire existence.

Little did I know, this "life" template, forged at an early age, was to provide the very mold into which all of my subsequent "relationships" would be cast and dyed.

I developed my first real crush - on my brother's friend Noah - when I was nine. He was just some kid who was close to our camp site, one of the three or four camp sites from that summer of 1992, when we were homeless. My grandma (mom's mom) had had enough of Whatever-Name-I-Gave-Him's abuse, so she had kicked us out months prior. He couldn't hold down a job to keep the little house we were renting in Camino, CA, where I had attended my third school for 3rd grade. So, camping it was.

Camping was fun for me, actually. That's where my love of the wilderness and adventure irreparably fused itself to my soul. Then, after a few months, I really fell in "love". When I met Noah, he and my brother teased me, and Noah stole my hat, a black cap with different-colored plastic jewels all over it, from K-Mart. After I chased him through the woods to get it back, he tossed it to me with a conniving smile before going and catching back up to my brother. I kept that hat under my pillow for weeks, smelling it every so often, and thinking of him nearly every waking moment. I never saw Noah after that day, but he was the object of my first male fantasy obsession - with so many more to come.

When I finally got to see my dad again, a year-and-a-half after the separation, with no contact in between, I hardly recognized him. He was a stick figure, with a long beard and mustache - a little balding on the top of his head, but his hair was otherwise a bit long and shaggy - and he spoke fast with a lot of words; no one could  really get anything in edgewise whenever he was talking about - whatever - at the Thanksgiving 1992 family reunion at grandma's (his mom's). Turns out, he was drugged-out on meth with his girlfriend - although, of course I didn't know that at the time. When I was twenty-five or so, I confronted my mother about her leaving my dad and inflicting such a gaping wound within me, and that's when she told me about his bankrupcy, his drug use, and the orgies.

Now my dad's girlfriend was a horrible, but very damaged person. She threw kittens at doors and plates at my dad's face - and she couldn't stand for me and my siblings to visit. She had lost her baby in a fire in Idaho, and was making up for that, I guess, with 12 dogs and 20 cats. She was angry, mean, sad, and usually high, from what I now reasonably deduce.

My brother was over the whole thing, from getting beaten by mom's boyfriend to getting verbally assaulted by dad's girlfriend, with neither parent protecting or really even present, so he just went and did heroin at his best friend's house before marrying his best friend's sister four years later after high school. I never saw much of him during those years, and even less after that. He now lives with her and their two kids in Ohio, where her dad bought them a house away from the drugs. He works at Ruby Tuesday's and drinks a lot of beer and smokes a lot of weed, and his wife thinks he's cheating on him. I read about it in her Facebook posts, but he and I still don't really talk. I can't remember the last time we did, or how many years it's been. 

Back when we were 7 and 10, my sis and I would walk the two miles to the "city" bus stop (we were now living in an apartment with mom and her abuser in Bonsall, CA) to pay $1.10 to ride the bus the seven miles to Fallbrook where my sick dad lived with that sick woman, every two weeks or so. I fantasized about getting my dad's girlfriend and my mom's boyfriend together so they could (hopefully) kill each other. 

Sometimes my dad would actually pick us up and let us ride in the flatbed of his toyota truck. He'd get us $.29 hamburgers if it was Tuesday, or $.39 cheeseburgers if it was Wednesday - at least during the summer. But he wasn't around much when we did visit, and there weren't any "I love you's" going around. Mostly my grandma would pick us up and take us to her and grandpa's 20 acres, and we enjoyed that immensely. My grandparents were extremely normal. He was a retired vet, chief civil engineer, and she was a dance instructor. They were beautiful together, and grew every plant and fruit tree from A to Z on the property, which had a lake perfect for summers, and a bomb shelter perfect for lighting spiders on fire. And they had a donkey, perfect for riding and getting bucked off; a male goat, perfect for running from for our lives; and chickens, perfect for chasing but never being able to catch. I wasn't the biggest fan of having to milk the female goat before sunrise and cleaning out the barn, shoveling shit into a wheelbarrow to go dump under the tangelo and sapote trees, but it was worth it.

We also enjoyed walking over to this Emmanuel Baptist Church when we could get out of going to dad's Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall. The Jehovah's Witnesses were so boring and old, and they made us wear dresses, which we didn't have since we were so poor, so some 16 year-old girl gave me some of hers that were way too big. Also, I had a grudge against the J.W.'s because they provided my dad the perfect excuse not to buy us Christmas or birthday presents. 

During the J.W. service, my sister and I couldn't sit still, and we usually ended up sneaking out and running around outside, just so we wouldn't die of boredom or fall asleep. But the Baptists had Sunday school, and sang songs about this Jesus guy, whom the Jehovah's Witnesses didn't seem to care about too much. From what I could tell from the Baptists, though, he was a really nice shepherd dude who cared about all of his sheep. He would lead them through green pastures and next to streams and wouldn't let them go hungry or thirsty, or die. He just seemed like a really great guy. They said he loved us - something I didn't really know anything about. We loved the gummy bears, and Veggie Tales cartoons. And our Sunday school teacher, the pastor's wife, Mrs. Phipps, was just the sweetest old lady.

Back at the apartment in Bonsall, after months of this routine, I began to really struggle with the God idea. All these people had such different ideas about him, but they also claimed to be "right". I mean, both the J.W.'s and the Baptists really knew what they were talking about; they both said that what they were talking about was the Truth. Of course, I remembered reading about the dinosaurs, and the Earth being millions - billions - of years old. So, how could God have created it in 7 days? That was one of the few things they seemed to agree on - 7 days, and no dinosaurs. But the J.W.'s said that Jesus was God's son, who died on a stake, and was not to be worshipped. The Baptists, on the other hand, said that Jesus was God in the flesh, died on a cross, and they worshipped him, along with God. The J.W.'s said that after we died, we would all be resurrected and live in a paradise on Earth, as long as we believed that. The Baptists said we'd go to Heaven and be with Jesus, as long as we believed in him. It was all just too much. And besides - whoever God really was, if he actually loved me - then why the hell was my life so goddamn shitty?

So, I decided that God didn't exist when I was 10 years old. What became the most important thing to me were my intense, unavoidable, insatiable crushes on boys, plus an addiction to school where teachers loved me for getting straight A's - both of which I carried into adulthood, until I was finally married (to a man who died of a heart attack related to his alcohol and heroin addiction) and got through (most of) college. Then after the marriage was over and I dropped out of college for the last time, my obsession with men picked up with a vengeance - only, I was no longer a little girl in a fantasy realm (I had met my husband at age 18 - and now was age 28). I had grown legs and was venturing into a whole new (savage) world.

I'm 37 now - with nearly 10 years "out here" - and I only now deeply know, through individual and group therapy, on top of the AA and SLAA programs, and having finally and truly accepted Jesus Christ as my savior, getting to know Him more every day, thank God, that I have been, nearly all my life, trying - so powerlessly - to fill a God-shaped void created by the abandonment and neglect that I suffered from those who were supposed to love and protect me. For my entire adolescence, and adult life so far, I was trying to attach myself to a boy, a man, any male who would "love" me, even if it was only a fantasy. Along the way I was molested by various men - drug addicts at both my mom's apartment and my dad's house - and these acts of violence somehow wormed it's way into my psyche to manifest into rape fantasies, as I would wish these or other men would just come and take me away - until I was, finally, brutally bound, gagged and raped in 2014 at age 31.

When we fast-forward to my latest, albeit short, intimate relationship, it certainly fits the pattern to a T. It's especially fitting that he was 17 years my senior, and he was a Christian (he could "save" me); he appeared to want me, and he gave me attention (which I equate to "love"); and, we orchestrated a symphony of BDSM sexual encounters together, with him as the "top" and me as the "bottom" ("Yes - make me yours."). He was also insanely attractive (and attracted) to me, physically and spiritually, and we made each other laugh (he was the whole package).

But this time - and this has been happening since I accepted Jesus in 2013 - I was fighting the most intense of internal battles that I have ever experienced. This has been true spiritual warfare, in my opinion - but this time, the Devil didn't win.

When I read my 4th step relationship inventory to my sponsor, with the beginnings of my relationship with him on there, it was, clearly to her at least, a repeat of my pattern. She told me I needed to end it right away and not get into any more relationships. 

Of course, I didn't listen. I was in love! And, then, after three months of getting to know each other - texting, sexting, talking, hanging out, fucking - I was so desperate for him to marry me (because of the sex and because of my abandonment / attachment issues), that I went completely insane and just totally blew up at him.

I tried to make amends, and thought everything would be okay, but when I told my A.A. sponsor about it, she told me that sponsoring me is like sponsoring someone who is still drinking - that I haven't changed any thing, and that I'm not doing any thing differently. So that's when I was finally willing to put an end to it - or at least, put on the brakes. I'm not seeing him now, and I’m going through some major withdrawal. It hurts like a motherfucker. But, I’m finally doing the work I need to do on myself, first.

They say, "It takes what it takes," and, "You're done when you're done," that "it's when you're sick and tired of being sick and tired." I can't stand the thought of never recovering from this insanity. This addiction. These issues. I can't stand the thought of, as my sponsor puts it, "never" being "the right person in any relationship," because I haven't done the work.

So, I'm giving it a shot - really, the best shot I've given it since accepting Jesus as my Man in 2013, when I went, I think, 63 days without sex. I'm staying single - and celibate - for an indeterminate amount of time, so I can heal my childhood wounds and finally enact some, hopefully, lasting change on this pattern of sex and love addiction that has affected my entire life and every relationship in it.


Still I Rise

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
’Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

Note to My Beloved Readers:

You're very important to me; more than you will ever know. Through writing about my life, I'm trying to become a better mother. That is, in fact, my penultimate goal. If I succeed, I hope to inspire fellow sufferers of abuse and mental illness like me to survive and thrive (and if I don't succeed, I'm still useful as an example of what NOT to do). So, please, join me! Subscribe by email. Read about my fall from grace, my digging myself out of the trenches of demoralization, and my uphill trudge, battling the demons on the road to restoration, redemption, and happy destiny. We are not alone, you and I. And if you believe it - God's will is where your feet are. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at Thank you, and so much love - Adora Fallbrook (nom de plume).