Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Fourth 24 Hours

God answered my prayers SO hard today. I had my moments of weakness, my moments of obsession over him, and I did reach out to see how he was doing (it’s been 4 days after his surgery now) - he’s in a lot of pain, and I offered to pick up his medication for him, but it wasn’t God’s plan for me to do that – thank God. He’s having it mailed and didn’t need me to.

So, instead, I focused on getting things done for my clients; I had two great client consultations; I attended an AA meeting on Zoom; and my Changing Abusive Patterns class was so amazing. I met a girl who is really struggling to leave an abusive relationship, and I got to offer my experience, strength and hope with her - it’s been six months since I left mine, and I can hardly believe I went from being homeless with 2 kids and nowhere to go, to now renting my own 2-bedroom house...not “needing” a man, despite the obsession with wanting one - I’m very slowly - but surely - coming into my own without one.

My qualifier has definitely moved on; I’m the one holding on. There have been three separate days now where I didn’t contact him - and felt like I was going to die all day - yet I did refrain, and he didn’t contact me. So I would make it 24 hours without contacting him - but, then, I always succumb the following day, and most days after that.

I wonder...could I make it two days? Am I willing to try?

I’m going to say yes. I have to try. He has let me go - he’s told me so - so why can’t I do the same? It’s demoralizing to be the one so desperate for love and attention, when I don’t even enter his thoughts - until he gets a message or call from me. Why am I doing this to myself? 

This is serious! This is not a man who would ever love me the way I would deserve to be loved someday, after my recovery. And I’m not recovering! I really need to love myself enough - with God’s love - to just let go!!

That’s easy for me to say right now after such a full day. I know tomorrow I’ll go crazy again without contact with him. But what if I can go TWO days? It’s the same as alcohol...each new day does get easier. But it has to start with one. 

It’s 9:37 pm. Let’s see how this goes.

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Note to My Beloved Readers:

You're very important to me; more than you will ever know. Through writing about my life, I'm trying to become a better mother. That is, in fact, my penultimate goal. If I succeed, I hope to inspire fellow sufferers of abuse and mental illness like me to survive and thrive (and if I don't succeed, I'm still useful as an example of what NOT to do). So, please, join me! Subscribe by email. Read about my fall from grace, my digging myself out of the trenches of demoralization, and my uphill trudge, battling the demons on the road to restoration, redemption, and happy destiny. We are not alone, you and I. And if you believe it - God's will is where your feet are. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at adorafallbrook@gmail.com. Thank you, and so much love - Adora Fallbrook (nom de plume).